Opis na Disney+ Kanada
When 10 year-old Finn and his sister find themselves home alone over the holidays, they’re besieged with a trio of bumbling criminals (led by Malcolm McDowell) trying to break into their new home! Luckily, Finn rigs up an elaborate array of techno-gadgets and booby traps to protect his pad. Home Alone Holiday Heist is a delightful comedy caper that is hilarious fun for the whole family!
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
USA, Kanada
Czas trwania
1h 31min 3s
13 tys. głosów
Oceny zostały automatycznie pobrane dla filmu "Home Alone: The Holiday Heist", który
na IMDB znajduje się tutaj.
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe
Język | Cechy |
English | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
Español | Dolby 2.0 |
Español (Latinoamericano) | Dolby 2.0 |
Français | Dolby 2.0 |
Italiano | Dolby 2.0 |
Japanese | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
Magyar | Dolby 2.0 |
Polski | Dolby 2.0 |
Português (Brasil) | Dolby 2.0 |
Slovenčina | Dolby 2.0 |
Türkçe | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |