Opis na Disney+ USA
Jack London's immortal tale of courage and survival comes to glorious life amid the breathtaking beauty of the great Alaskan frontier. Jack (Ethan Hawke) is a young man trying to fulfill his father's dying wish to find gold in the treacherous Yukon Valley. His incredible journey begins when he meets a veteran gold miner (Klaus Maria Brandauer), who guides young Jack to his father's claim. Along the way, Jack discovers a kindred spirit who will change his life forever – the magnificent wolf-dog White Fang. From the taming of a wolf to the taming of the wild, he must find the courage to conquer his fears and become a man in this spectacular outdoor adventure.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
Czas trwania
1h 49min 12s
Rotten Tomatoes
23 tys. głosów
Oceny zostały automatycznie pobrane dla filmu "White Fang", który
na IMDB znajduje się tutaj.
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe
Język | Cechy |
Cantonese | Dolby 2.0 |
Čeština | Dolby 2.0 |
Deutsch | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
English | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
English [Audio Description] | Dolby 2.0 |
Español | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
Español (Latinoamericano) | Dolby 2.0 |
Français | Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0 |
Italiano | Dolby 2.0 |
Japanese | Dolby 2.0 |
Magyar | Dolby 2.0 |
Polski | Dolby 2.0 |
Português (Brasil) | Dolby 2.0 |
Slovenčina | Dolby 2.0 |
Türkçe | Dolby 2.0 |