The Secret of Skinwalker RanchThe Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

An investigation of the world’s most mysterious hot spot for UFO phenomena.

Opis na Disney+ USA

While most look to the stars for extraterrestrial life, one group of researchers is doing the opposite: they're looking underground. For more than 200 years, Utah's Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of hundreds of paranormal and UFO activities. Despite decades of study-- some secretly funded by the U.S. government-- no one has dared to go below ground. Now, the legendary ranch is giving full access as a team prepares to do what's never been done before.
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EnglishDolby 2.0


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Sezony i odcinki

2023Sezon 415 odcinków
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Over and Out of This World
The team confront a secret that Dr. Travis Taylor has had to keep from them.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
2.Who's Your Data
The team launches an incredible nighttime 200-drone light show experiment.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
3.The Blob
The team discovers evidence of massive metallic objects buried under the Mesa.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
4.The Watchers
The team turns their focus back to what's buried under the mesa.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
5.Here's the Drill
The team begins drilling in search of a metal object buried in the Mesa.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
6.What a Mesa
While drilling into the Mesa, the team makes a shocking discovery.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
7.The Return
A former ranch investigator and government official returns to help the team.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
8.Between the Lines
A new, subsurface investigation on Skinwalker Ranch leads to a baffling discovery.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
9.Something's Up
An advanced radar experiment is conducted high above the Mesa and Triangle.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
10.A Frequency Occurrence
An indigenous sound ritual is performed on Skinwalker Ranch.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
11.In the Heat of the Night
The team performs a hi-tech experiment at the Triangle.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
12.In and Out
Experiments might prove an ancient legend about Skinwalker Ranch.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
13.Everything in the Air All at Once
The team conducts their most complex experiment ever at the Triangle.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
14.Living in a Metamaterial World
The team learns that the greatest mystery of the property may be underground.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
15.Looking Back and Far Beyond
Dr. Travis Taylor relives the most shocking phenomena on Skinwalker Ranch.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD