Dead End ExpressDead End Express

Dead End Express

Brave men risk their lives delivering vital supplies to people living off the grid.

Opis na Disney+ USA

On the edge of the American frontier, a few brave men risk their lives delivering vital supplies to people living off the grid. From the dense woodlands of Montana’s Flathead National Forest, through the isolated heart of Idaho’s Hells Canyon, to the frozen wastelands of Alaska’s high tundra, we follow five rugged adventurers as they live and breath the high-stakes of hauling critical cargo into these unique tracts of wilderness.
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42 głosów
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
EspañolDolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 2.0

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Sezony i odcinki

2015Sezon 18 odcinków
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Welcome to the Wilderness
In Hells Canyon, jet boat pilot Brice Barnes responds to an emergency message from his friend Jason.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
2.Fire in the Canyon
In Montana, Andy and Chuck team up with Toby Tabor racing a cargo of live fish up to an alpine lake.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
3.Stranded in the Tundra
In Montana, horse packers answer an SOS call from a diabetic friend stuck in the wilderness.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
4.Grizzly Goner
Bush pilot Rob Kinkade responds to a rescue call from his friend who’s stranded up the Aniak River.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
5.Alaskan Madness
Jet boat pilot Brice Barnes negotiates the Snake River at night to reach Temperance Creek Ranch.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
6.Outlaws & Frostbite
In Skwentna, Alaska, freight hauler Roger Phillips struggles to avoid frostbite.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
7.Fueling the Fire
Jet boat pilot Brice Barnes delivers two stubborn mules.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
8.End of the Road
Freight hauler Roger Phillips battles a troublesome delivery.
English, Español, ItalianoChinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Dansk, English [CC], Español, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD