We Live Here: The MidwestWe Live Here: The Midwest

We Live Here: The Midwest

We Live Here: The Midwest explores timely, personal stories of LGBTQI+ families.

Opis na Disney+ Islandia

All families must confront challenges, every day. But many also face a rising tide of discrimination and hate in their churches, schools, and even their own neighborhoods. We Live Here: The Midwest profiles families who hope to stay in a part of the country they love, and where they have often established deep roots: a trans/queer family with five children in Iowa must find a new community after being expelled from their church; a gay Black couple with a young daughter test the line of acceptance in Nebraska; a lesbian couple homeschool their bullied son on a farm in Kansas; a gay teacher in Ohio creates a safe space for LGBTQI+ students; and a couple in Minnesota struggles to rebuild their families following both of their transitions. Meanwhile, Minnesota Representative and queer mother, Heather Keeler, brings LGBTQI+ rights to the political forefront despite ongoing death threats. Fundamentally, the film captures a crucial time where anti-queer legislation and sentiment is rapidly multiplying across the country, and the values of all midwestern families are put to the ultimate test.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
Czas trwania
0h 52min 57s


197 głosów
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
English [Audio Description]Dolby 2.0