The Proud Family MovieThe Proud Family Movie

The Proud Family Movie

Penny's boring family vacation becomes a mysterious island adventure.

Opis na Disney+ Wielka Brytania

Penny Proud is almost 16 years old, but her dad, Oscar, still treats her like a child. First she's told she can't be one of the dancers in the upcoming hip-hop half-time show starring hot teen rapper 15 Cent. And now, instead of celebrating her sweet 16th birthday with her friends, she has to go on a boring vacation to the tropical Legume Island with her family. But it turns out the island is full of mysteries. The evil Dr. Carver has lured them there in hopes of stealing Oscar's super-secret Instant Everlasting Multiplying Formula. With it, he hopes to take over the world. While Oscar, mom Trudy, grandma Suga Mama, and her twin brothers fight to escape from the doctor's clutches, Penny embarks on Operation: Family Liberation, outwits some clones, stars in the halftime show, saves the world, and realizes she really does appreciate her unique and loving family.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
USA, Południowa Korea, Kanada
Czas trwania
1h 36min 26s


2,1 tys. głosów
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