Flex x CopFlex x Cop

Flex x Cop

A coming-of-age drama of an immature third-generation chaebol detective and his exhilarating cases.

Opis na Disney+ Kanada

A fun-loving rich boy gets entangled in an incident and joins a violent crime investigation team. By mobilizing his enormous wealth and personal connections, the third-generation chaebol detective catches criminals who are beyond the reach of the police. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
Rok premiery
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Południowa Korea
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1,9 tys. głosów
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

KoreanDolby 2.0

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Sezony i odcinki

2024Sezon 116 odcinków
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Episode 1
Jin Isoo, the naïve heir of Hansu Group, gets into a fight with a stranger and Ganghyun arrests him.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, Korean, Português (Brasil)HD
2.Episode 2
A model is found dead on a yacht. Isoo gets his first murder case and investigates with Ganghyun.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
3.Episode 3
The team finds the key suspect in the model murder case. However, other suspects come to light.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
4.Episode 4
A famous painter has been murdered in an art gallery. Meanwhile, Isoo visits his childhood home.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
5.Episode 5
Isoo captures the prime suspect in the painter's case, and he learns something unexpected.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
6.Episode 6
The death of an elderly is all but simple. Ganghyun works to prove it, and Isoo seeks other methods.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
7.Episode 7
A bizarre body is found in an office. Isoo and Ganghyun start investigating the mysterious death.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
8.Episode 8
A man is caught at the suspect's house. Isoo investigates the link between the found item and death.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
9.Episode 9
Isoo recovers memories with hypnosis and looks for Myeongchul. Meanwhile, an actress is found dead.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
10.Episode 10
Isoo and Ganghyun discover the actress had a stalker and was harassed by him before her death.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
11.Episode 11
The sudden death of two people affiliated with Oryunhoe. Ganghyun tries to uncover the truth.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
12.Episode 12
Isoo encounters Ganghyun at Oryunhoe, and they face a crisis of being exposed to the cult leader.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
13.Episode 13
An unknown body is found in Myeongchul's backyard amidst the election. Isoo investigates the case.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
14.Episode 14
The team arrests the suspect in the case. Meanwhile, Isoo discovers secrets within the household.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
15.Episode 15
Shocked by unexpected news, Isoo is tormented. Meanwhile, Ganghyun investigates to help Isoo.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
16.Episode 16
Truths start to unfold about his mother's death. Isoo is confronted with an unbearable reality.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD