A group of 10-year-olds form The Houdini Club to solve mysteries.

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A group of 10-year-old boys and girls meet for the first time while they’re in detention and have to spend Saturday in the School Library. Together, they will be the Club Houdini; a group that solves riddles and mysteries.
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

EnglishDolby 2.0
EspañolDolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 2.0
PortuguêsDolby 2.0

Sezony i odcinki

 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.The Earth Globe
A group of kids set off to follow the clues to a treasure.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
2.Adventure in the Museum
The kids manage to get out of the house, but have lost the map.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
3.The thread is cut
The Houdini Club kids lose the music box, but Houdini helps them.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
4.The hidden side
Baltasar is the black king, so the key is the black king of chess.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
5.How to escape from a maze
The children measure the key, to make one that will open the lock.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
6.Water clock
The volumes on the bookshelf form the key word!
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
7.Rendezvous under the sun
The kids come out of the workshop confinement with an ingenious solution.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
8.House of Tricks
With a new clue, the Houdini Club get to work to solve the mystery number.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
9.Two steps away from the treasure
The five of them hide and wait for the school to be empty... until dark.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
10.The Treasure Conquest
The kids find a solution that allows them to cross the well.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
11.The Woman in the red coat
Martina explains the last enigma: Using Roman numerals to open the door…
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.The man with the Eye-Patch 
The Houdini Club kids follow clues of a treasure that can change the world.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
2.Four Verses
The Houdini Club kids discover a note, and search for the treasure.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
3.59 Steps
The Houdini Club calculates that the key is in a step of the church tower.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
4.Princess Agripina
The kids try to rescue Houdini, and discover magic gadgets.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
5.The Spiral Staircase
Martina, Andrés and Mateo inspect the castle, in search of the second key.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
6.Saddest day ever
Nacho claims the magician can't be Houdini, because he was born in 1874.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
7.This cemetery is a joke
Tamara's departure leaves the Club very affected.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
8.Four D
At last they have the three keys! Houdini performs a magic trick on Diana.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
9.Five in a boat
Martina wins the bet with the security guard. The group talks to Tamara.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
10.Under the tree shadow
The Houdini Club takes the canoe down the river to the buried chest.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
11.So long
The members of the Houdini Club tell of their adventures on the radio.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Suomi, Svenska, ČeštinaHD
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Tarde En El Cine, Una
The owner of the movie theater offers a clue to find a mysterious object.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
2.Lio En La Biblioteca
The kids need to create a diversion to sneak inside the public library.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
3.Si No Quieres Taza...
Martina, Andrés and Mateo manage to get out of the library.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
4.Doble De Accion, El
While the grown-ups are auditioning, the Club gets back on schedule.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
The Club's investigations reach a dead end.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
6.Nadie Se Esperaba Esto
Mateo, Andrés and Martina solve the code with the town balloonist.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
7.Haste Que Llego Su Minuto
The Club encounters a film shoot, where they befriend a props man.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
8.Juntos Ante El Peligro
Mateo, Martina and Andrés find out the grown-ups will try to take revenge.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
9.Grupillo Salvaje
The Club is led to a set of the movie "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly".
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
10.Bocadillos Lejanos
The Club deduces where the object hidden by Clint Eastwood will be.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD
11.Capsula Del Tiempo, La
Thanks to the Club, funds are raised to renovate the Albacara cinema.
English, Español, Italiano, PortuguêsEnglish [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Português, ČeštinaHD