The Worst of EvilThe Worst of Evil

The Worst of Evil

In 1995, an undercover mission begins to take down the drug cartels in Korea, China, and Japan.

Opis na Disney+ Bułgaria

In 1995, Korea and Japan team up in a joint investigation to dismantle the illicit drug trade flowing from Korea to Japan. Junmo, a countryside detective, courageously ventures undercover into the rising evil gang, Gangnam Cartel, seeking a special promotion. Little did he know that he was walking into the complex relationship between his wife, Euijeong, and Kicheol, the boss of Gangnam Cartel. Caught in the inescapable web of fate, Junmo’s anxiety increases. He must dig deeper and move faster to unravel the truth. Can they ever return to their normal lives once the mission is complete? Who will have the last laugh in this game and who is the worst of evil? Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

KoreanDolby 2.0

Sezony i odcinki

2023Sezon 112 odcinków
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Episode 1
Detective Junmo goes undercover within Gangnam Union to probe an international drug trade.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
2.Episode 2
Barely passing Gicheul’s test, Junmo joins Gangnam Union and discovers an unexpected truth.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
3.Episode 3
Euijeong's appearance puts the squad in trouble. Gicheul finds last night’s attack suspicious.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
4.Episode 4
The team seeks Euijeong's aid to assist Junmo in a crisis, which leads to a perilous love triangle.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
5.Episode 5
Earning Gicheul’s trust, Junmo becomes anxious as he sees Gicheul making a move towards Euijeong.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
6.Episode 6
The delivery accident jeopardizes the trade. Detective Hwang closely surveils Gangnam Union.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
7.Episode 7
Haeryun shows interest in Junmo and Euijeong approaches Gicheul. Junmo takes an extreme measure.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
8.Episode 8
Gicheul suspects Junmo. The four people’s irreversible decisions trigger the biggest crisis.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
9.Episode 9
The battle with Jaegeon creates a crack. Junmo joins forces with Haeryun to resume the trade.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
10.Episode 10
Junmo and Euijeong juggle duty and feelings. Hwang continues to meddle, and the final day arrives.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
11.Episode 11
An accident halts the trade and a crisis approaches as Euijeong and Dohyung worry about Junmo.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD
12.Episode 12
Gicheul and Junmo make their way to the final deal. Korea, China, and Japan prepare for the arrest.
Korean, KoreanChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, TürkçeUHD