Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha StoryColeen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story

Coleen Rooney: The Real Wagatha Story

Coleen Rooney attempts to put a stop to her private Instagram posts being leaked to the press.

Opis na Disney+ Australia

It was the social media scandal that captivated the nation and spawned a high court trial. British celebrity Coleen Rooney’s private Instagram stories about her and her family are being leaked to a newspaper without her knowledge but Coleen will go to extraordinary lengths to find the culprit. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
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Ścieżki dźwiękowe

EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0, Dolby Atmos

Sezony i odcinki

2023Sezon 13 odcinki
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Part 1
Coleen's private Instagram posts are sold to the press, can she find the culprit and stop them?
English, English [Audio Description]Dansk, Deutsch, English (UK) [CC], Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD
2.Part 2
Coleen thinks she’s identified Rebekah Vardy as the leak and announces it on social media.
English, English [Audio Description]Dansk, Deutsch, English (UK) [CC], Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD
3.Part 3
Witness the court battle between Coleen and Rebekah in this exclusive behind-the-scenes event
English, English [Audio Description]Dansk, Deutsch, English (UK) [CC], Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD