The Biscuit EaterThe Biscuit Eater

The Biscuit Eater

Two young boys try to transform a misfit hound into a champion bird dog.

Opis na Disney+ Australia

This classic film proves that nothing warms the heart like the story of a boy and his dog. Lonnie (Johnny Whitaker) and Text (George Spell) are two friends determined, against all odds, to turn a misfit hound into a hero. Tennessee farmer and dog trainer Harve McNeil (Earl Holliman) tells his son Lonnie that his dog, Moreover, is a good-for-nothing "biscuit eater." But Lonnie and Text won't give up on the outcast, determined to beat the odds in time to prove he has championship potential. Featuring valuable lessons about honesty, friendship and fair play -- your family will love this endearing story.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
Czas trwania
1h 32min 35s


532 głosów
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