When We RiseWhen We Rise

When We Rise

A chronicle of the gay U.S. Civil Rights movement.

Opis na Disney+ Australia

This mini-series event chronicles the real-life personal and political struggles, set-backs and triumphs of a diverse family of LGBT men and women who helped pioneer one of the last legs of the U.S. Civil Rights movement from its turbulent infancy in the 20th century to the once unfathomable successes of today.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
Liczba sezonów
Liczba odcinków


3,4 tys. głosów
Oceny zostały automatycznie pobrane dla filmu "When We Rise", który na IMDB znajduje się tutaj. Nie zgadza się? Zgłoś to nam mailem na adres [email protected].



Ścieżki dźwiękowe

EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
FrançaisDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

Sezony i odcinki

2017Sezon 18 odcinków
 Tytuł odcinkaŚcieżki dźwiękoweNapisyFormat
1.Night I Part I
Cleve flees his repressive family for San Francisco.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
2.Night I Part II
Roma moves to San Francisco to open a women's center.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
3.Night III
AIDS ravages the gay community during the 90s.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
4.Night IV
Cleve inspires young activists to march on Washington.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
5.Night III Part I
Ken enters a VA hospital to receive HIV treatment.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
6.Night III Part II
Cleve moves to Palm Springs for his health.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
7.Night IV Part I
Cleve inspires a group of activists to protest.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD
8.Night IV Part II
Cleve, Ken, and Roma are reunited at a wedding.
English, Français, ItalianoEnglish [CC], Português (Brasil)HD