Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie AikauHawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau

Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau

This film chronicles the remarkable life and power of Eddie Aikau.

Opis na Disney+ Australia

“Eddie Would Go.” It's a phrase that has long carried deep meaning with countless Hawaiians and surfers worldwide. Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau goes beyond those famous three words and chronicles the remarkable life and power of Eddie Aikau, the legendary Hawaiian big wave surfer, pioneering lifeguard and ultimately doomed crew member of the Polynesian voyaging canoe Hokule'a. With a rich combination of archival imagery, contemporary interviews and meticulously researched historical source material, this film is a compelling exploration of the tragic decline and extraordinary re-birth of the Hawaiian culture as personified by a native son whose dynamic life and heroic death served as inspiration to an entire spiritual movement.
Rok premiery
Kraje pochodzenia
Czas trwania
1h 27min 25s


95 głosów
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