It Was Always Me: Behind the StoryIt Was Always Me: Behind the Story

It Was Always Me: Behind the Story

A behind-the-scenes view of how the cast prepares and how characters are created during a pandemic.

Description from Disney+ USA

Follow this special for a peek into how the cast prepares and how characters are developed. Karol Sevilla and Pipe Bueno talk about their on-screen chemistry and the challenge Pipe faced when taking on a lead role during his first acting experience. Christian Tappan talks about how he took on the challenge of representing his character. Exclusive off-screen material, videos recorded by the actors themselves on their phones, and records of castings and rehearsals. We'll also see insights on the impact of music on this story and on each character, as well as the challenge the pandemic represented when shooting in Cartagena, Girardot, and Bogota. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
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0h 31min 34s


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