Kindergarten: The Musical!Kindergarten: The Musical!

Kindergarten: The Musical!

5-year old Berti is excited to start kindergarten!

Description from Disney+ USA

The series follows 5-year-old Berti, who, along with her new friends, is navigating all the exciting and emotional experiences that come with starting school for the very first time. The series takes place in a kindergarten classroom at Porter Elementary and features fantastical Broadway-style song and dance numbers that help the kids express their big feelings and provide a peek into their incredible imaginations.
Release year
Countries of origin
USA, Canada
No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0


Available in regions

Seasons & episodes

2024Season 110 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.There's No Place Like Kindergarten / We're Off to Get a Sticker
First day of school! Kids explore their new classroom.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
2.Shoeloose / If I Only Had a Scarf
Berti gets sparkly sneakers! Berti loses her scarf.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
3.All or Muffin / Bring in 'da Cake, Bring in 'da Fun
A muffin goes missing! It's Albert's Birthday!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
4.Little Job of Horrors / Bye Bye Albie
The kids get class jobs! The class pet goes missing!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
5.Bunny Girl / Give My Regards to Backdrops
The class has a book drive! The kids design backdrops!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
6.Twin the Heights / Everything's Coming Up Jamil
Berti and Radish are twins? Jamil is Student of the Day!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
7.Don't Grow for Me / You Can't Stop the Beads
Radish swallows a seed! Berti and Rose make bracelets.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
8.Phantom of the Trumpet / Food Glorious Food Fair
Kenji plays the trumpet. The class has a food fair!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
9.One Singular Self-Portrait / Don't Cry for Me Kindergarten
A self-portrait project! Rose goes to the Chill Zone.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
10.The Witch and I / Berti and the Beast
Is Ms. Moreno a witch? The kids decorate pumpkins!
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD