1. | Throw It in Gear/ A Tooth for a Tooth / Polie Collectibles Billy can't play Olie's games. / The Tooth Fairy pays a visit. / Zowie wants a collection. | English | English [CC] | SD |
2. | Home Sick / Leaf Me Alone / Round and Round and Square We Go Housey has the sneezies. / Zowie & Binky chase a leaf. / The Bevels have a barbecue. | English | English [CC] | SD |
3. | Doggy Day Afternoon / Visibly Invisible / Itty Bitty Baby Starry Zowie pretends to be a dog! / Olie becomes invisible. / Baby Starry is falling. | English | English [CC] | SD |
4. | Baby Talk / Putting on the Dog / Whistlin' Zowie Binky replies in baby talk. / Spot in love? / Anyone can whistle, except Zowie. | English | English [CC] | SD |
5. | Square Roots / 1 Olie, 2 Olie, 3 Olie, 4 / Switcheroo Olie has a school project. / There are too many chores and homework! / Olie & Billy get an idea. | English | English [CC] | SD |
6. | Cool It! / Polie Pests / Camp Out It's the hottest day ever! / Mom & Dad have fun in the garden. / Dad teaches camping. | English | English [CC] | SD |
7. | Rewind / Who's the Bestest of Them All / But Why? It's toy tidy day. / Zowie wants to play with the big bots. / Zowie wants to know why. | English | English [CC] | SD |
8. | Gotcha! / Springy Chicken / A Polie Egg-stravaganza A rash of practical jokes are played. / Spring is here, bringing Springy Chicken! | English | English [CC] | SD |
9. | Giz-nesia / 1001 Gearabian Nights / Showdown at the Ol' Polie Corral Unicle Giz pays a visit. / The kids have to read a long book. / There's just one Telly. | English | English [CC] | SD |
10. | Let's Make History / Adventures of Space Dads / Silly Willy Day Where do the Polies comes from? / Dad & Mr. Bevel are Space Dads! / It's Silly Willy Day! | English | English [CC] | SD |
11. | Detective Polie's Cookie Caper / The Lie / Guess It's Nite Nite Who ate Mom's cookies? / Olie dislikes brussel sprouts. / Pappy babysits. | English | English [CC] | SD |
12. | When Zowie All Growed Up / Scruba-Dub-Dubby a Spot in the Tubby / Hide and Go Sleep Zowie wants to be a big bot. / Olie gives Spot a bath. / Binky and Zowie play hide-and-seek. | English | English [CC] | SD |
13. | Just Putting Around / Soupy Zowie and the Bogie Bot / No Hugs Please Dad is mini putt-putt obsessed. / Zowie is afraid of the dark. / Olie is too big for hugs. | English | English [CC] | SD |
14. | Family Portrait / Show and Tell / Little Helping Hand It’s Picture Day! / Olie has nothing for Show and Tell. / Visitors land in the backyard. | English | English [CC] | SD |