

Explore the highlights of the wild in the fascinating country of Botswana.

Description from Disney+ USA

Explore the highlights of the wild in the fascinating country of Botswana. The country holds a diverse range of animals, and is one of the last places in the Africa where they can still live freely. Filmed in HFR at 50 frames per second, the wildlife footage takes the viewer on an exhilarating safari to the Okavango Delta.
Release year
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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
EspañolDolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 2.0

Available in regions

Seasons & episodes

2017Season 13 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Battle for the Pride
Follow a pride of lions in Botswana to discover the brutal realities of family life in the wild.
EnglishDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
2.Young Blood
For a newborn in the wild, it's a fight for survival from the very first breath.
English, Español, ItalianoDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD
3.Elephant: King of the Kalahari
Discover the beauty of Botswana - the elephant capital of the world.
English, Español, ItalianoDansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Norsk, Português, Suomi, SvenskaHD