Genoa Bridge DisasterGenoa Bridge Disaster

Genoa Bridge Disaster

The special tells the story of the tragic collapse of Morandi’s bridge in Genova.

Description from Disney+ USA

The special tells the story of the tragic collapse of Morandi’s bridge in Genova, in which 43 people lost their lives. The story begins with a chronological re-enactment of the disaster, cut into several scenes displaying critical moments in the unfolding of the collapse. Through the testimonies of the survivors, the show "winds back" the scenes to analyze the causes and events leading up to the tragedy. It ends with the last testimonies of those affected by the catastrophe, followed by a debate on the technological advances made to prevent similar disasters from happening again.
Release year
Countries of origin
United Kingdom
0h 44min 23s


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ČeštinaDolby 2.0
DeutschDolby 2.0
EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
EspañolDolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
MagyarDolby 2.0
PolskiDolby 2.0
TürkçeDolby 2.0