

A child plays with her toys. Her hero is a little cactus who interacts with whatever comes his way.

Description from Disney+ Great Britain

Tag along as our young friend plays imaginary games with her felt toys. Her hero is a little cactus, Needles, who interacts with whatever comes his way. Each episode features a new environment that brings challenging and funny situations for him to deal with.
Release year
Countries of origin
No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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DeutschDolby 2.0
English (UK)Dolby 2.0
EspañolDolby 2.0
FrançaisDolby 2.0
GreekDolby 2.0
ItalianoDolby 2.0
NederlandsDolby 2.0
PolskiDolby 2.0
PortuguêsDolby 2.0
TürkçeDolby 2.0


Seasons & episodes

2019Season 16 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Playing with Friends / Going Sledging / Mr Crab
Join Needles as he meets his friends in the desert and later goes sledding with them.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD
2.Losing a Pot / Ice Skating / Needles, Scribbles and Painty
Needles looks for a pot he lost, ice skates for the first time, and paints pictures.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD
3.The Sandcastle / The Balloon / Playing in the Rain
Join Needles as he builds sandcastles, has fun with his new balloon, and plays drums in the park.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD
4.Painting with Florence / Planting Carrots / The Mysterious Egg
Join Needles as he paints his friend Florence the flower and plants carrot seeds.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD
5.Baking a Cake / Skipping Rope / Building Blocks
Needles and his friends find an egg, bake a cake, and have fun in the playground.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD
6.Making Orange Juice / Flying a Kite / Tidying Up / Hula Hoop
Needles and his friends pick oranges, fly a kite, have fun, and learn how to play Land and Sea.
Deutsch, English (UK), Español, Français, Greek, Italiano, Nederlands, Polski, Português, TürkçeEnglish (UK) [CC]UHD