

Tater has a big family and even bigger dreams.

Description from Disney+ Great Britain

Inspired by creator Natasha Kline's childhood growing up in the outskirts of Los Angeles, "Primos" recounts the summers she spent with her many cousins. It follows Tater Ramirez Humphrey, an eccentric girl who has big dreams for her future and just one summer to figure them all out, complicated by all 12 of her cousins coming to visit. The series celebrates Kline's multicultural, blended Mexican-American family, and her experiences growing up as a next-gen Latina.
Release year
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No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

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Seasons & episodes

2024Season 19 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Summer of Tater / Summer of Primos
Tater's cousins arrive. Tater defends her room.
EnglishChinese (Traditional), English [CC], KoreanHD
2.Summer of Quehaceres / Summer of La Muñeca
Tater feels like a maid. Tater finds a creepy doll.
EnglishChinese (Traditional), English [CC], KoreanHD
3.Summer of Los Diez / Summer of Lit-Tater-atura
Tater wants to get noticed. Tater seeks revenge.
EnglishChinese (Traditional), English [CC], KoreanHD
4.Summer of Herramientas / Summer of La Naturaleza
Tater celebrates Father's Day. Tater sleeps outside.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
5.Summer of Pam / Summer of La Trabajadora
Tater gets a zit. Tater tags along with Lita at work.
EnglishChinese (Traditional), English [CC], KoreanHD
6.Summer of La Madriguera / Summer of Los Pollos Hermanos
Tater searches for a new habitat. Tater gains a fan.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
7.Summer of El Patín / Summer of Chisme
Tater chases a masked skater. Tater hunts for gossip.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
8.Summer of No Sabo / Summer of Bookita
Tater struggles with Spanish. Tater rules the library.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD
9.Summer of the 13th Primo / Summer of Cuadros
Tater uncovers a mystery cousin. Tater helps Gordita.
EnglishEnglish [CC]HD