Mickey Go LocalMickey Go Local

Mickey Go Local

Mickey and his friends explore Singapore and Malaysia’s finest, from food to clothing.

Description from Disney+ Canada

Mickey and his friends explore Singapore and Malaysia’s finest -- from food to traditional wear to iconic modern architecture. Sometimes they are the tourists wandering around and other times, they are locals showing you the way of life but they always manage to find themselves in funny and amusing situations.
Release year
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No. of episodes


92 votes
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ČeštinaDolby 2.0
EnglishDolby 2.0
GreekDolby 2.0
MagyarDolby 2.0
PolskiDolby 2.0
RomânăDolby 2.0
TürkçeDolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2019Season 16 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Master Hawker
Goofy is checking out a hawker street. What is he going to have for dinner?
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
2.Peranakan Spice
Minnie wants to be the perfect Nonya and cook up a storm for her beau.
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
3.Georgetown Chase
Mickey is being a great insta-boyfriend, capturing the beautiful pictures of Minnie.
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
4.Rainforest Hunt
Mickey and Minnie explore the local rainforest and stumble on a baby orangutan!
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
5.How Do You Make Kaya?
No one can resist Minnie’s kaya toast with kopi and teh, but there’s no more kaya!
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
6.Year of the Mouse
It’s the year of the Mouse. Mickey and Donald are ready to wow everyone with their Lion Dance.
English, Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaChinese (Hong Kong), English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Polski, Română, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD