The HustlerThe Hustler

The Hustler

Five contestants collaborate to answer questions.

Description from Disney+ Canada

Follow five contestants as they collaborate to answer a series of trivia questions worth $10,000 each, with the goal of building a collective prize pot that increases with each correct answer. The catch? One of the five contestants already knows the answers but must keep their identity a secret in order to have a shot at winning the grand prize.
Release year
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No. of seasons
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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

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Seasons & episodes

 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.A Puzzle Wrapped in an Enigma Tattooed in Mystery
Contestants from Minnesota and Georgia.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
2.Have You Ever Stabbed A Melon?
Contestants try to answer trivia.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
3.The Ultimate Game of Deception
Clues include billiards and the CIA.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
4.Watch Out For The Quiet Ones
Five new contestants play the game.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
5.How to Spot a Liar
Five new contestants play the game.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
6.Sweet Deceit, Salty Insinuations, Spicy Revelations
Broken nose; "The Brady Bunch."
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
7.Every Tic Could Be A Tell
Clues include a college professor and the band Coldplay.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
8.A Little Bit Of Finger Pointing
Broadway; chocolate chip cookies.
EnglishEnglish [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), FrançaisHD
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.The Most Diabolical Game on Television
"The Sopranos" and Lady Gaga are clues.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
2.Next Level Hustle
Five new competitors join host Craig Ferguson.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
3.Pick the Weird Stuff
Ivy League schools; truffles.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
4.That's a Lot of Whips
Einstein and chiromancy are clues to discovering the hustler.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
5.It's Not Shame, It's Just The Game
Snoop Dogg; Jell-O; a microwave.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
6.Teamwork, Huzzah!
Harry Potter and Jim Carrey are clues.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
7.You're Overcompensating!
Larry David and Katy Perry are clues.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
8.A Real Imposter at Work
Motorcycles and moon cycles are clues.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
9.Who's Twitchy Here?
The MTV Movie Awards; superglue.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
10.Connive and Strive
Backstreet Boys, Tom Cruise
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD
11.A Little of This, a Little of That
Coffee beans; sausage; Goo Goo Dolls.
English, English [Audio Description]English [CC]HD