Chief Detective 1958Chief Detective 1958

Chief Detective 1958

Detective Park Yeonghan and his comrades battle for justice in an era of violence and corruption.

Description from Disney+ Canada

In a turbulent age of political intrigue and widespread corruption, the hope for a better tomorrow flickers faintly, like a flame in the wind. Enter Park Yeonghan, a modest yet resolute detective from the countryside. He teams up with his fiery junior Sangsun, the mighty Gyeonghwan, and the elite Hojeong to uphold justice. For Yeonghan, the mission as a police officer is clear: to stop the unchecked reign of the wicked and safeguard the innocent from harm. In a world where darkness prevails, Yeonghan and his eclectic team stand as beacons of hope, battling for justice with relentless determination and unconventional brilliance. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
Release year
Countries of origin
South Korea
No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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KoreanDolby 2.0

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Seasons & episodes

2024Season 1 4 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Man From a Small City
Detective Yeonghan's capture of the gang's second-in-command, Viper, sparks chaos at the station.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
2.Unit 1, The Headstrong Unit of Jongnam
Yeonghan recruits to Unit 1 the fiery Sangsun, the mighty Gyeonghwan, and the elite Hojeong.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
Yeonghan warns of robbers heading to Seoul, but Senior Superintendent Choi dismisses his concerns.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD
4.Yellow Turtle
Yeonghan suspects the orphanage director's involvement while delving into a missing infant case.
KoreanChinese (Traditional), English [CC], Japanese, KoreanHD