Disney Channel Games 2008Disney Channel Games 2008

Disney Channel Games 2008

Disney Channel stars from around the globe compete in the third annual Disney Channel Games.

Description from Disney+ Canada

Disney Channel stars from around the globe come together to compete in the third annual Disney Channel Games. Representing 15 countries, the stars are divided into four teams -- Comets, Cyclones, Lightning and Inferno. A Team Captain is selected and each team competes in the action-packed, comedic games. Although the games are colorful, larger-than-life and great fun, the competition is real and the competitors are determined to win the Disney Channel Games Cup. Includes concert performances by pop sensations Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, The Cheetah Girls, Demi Lovato and Jordan Pruitt.
Release year
Countries of origin
No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

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Seasons & episodes

2008Season 15 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Chariot of Champions
The games begin as Disney Channel stars compete from around the globe. Concert by Miley Cyrus.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], KoreanHD
2.Hang Tight
The teams must weave through an obstacle course while linked together. Concert by Jonas Brothers.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], KoreanHD
3.Baby Face-Off
The stars must match their rival teammates to their baby pictures. Concert by Jordan Pruitt.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], KoreanHD
4.Foos It or Lose It
The teams hunker down for a human foos ball match. Concert by Demi Lovato and Jonas Brothers.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], KoreanHD
5.Ultramega Ultimate Obstac-tacular Relay!
The teams compete in the UltraMega Ultimate Obstac-tacular Challenge. Concert by The Cheetah Girls.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], KoreanHD