Lucrecia: A Murder in MadridLucrecia: A Murder in Madrid

Lucrecia: A Murder in Madrid

Lucrecia's murder begins a journey to the roots of hatred in this gripping tale with unseen footage.

Description from Disney+ Bulgaria

A poor, black immigrant woman is shot and killed in an abandoned nightclub in Madrid. The crime shocks Spanish society and triggers an unprecedented social reaction. Who killed Lucrecia? Why? The first clues point to far-right groups. Beneath the image of a modern and democratic country that Spain projects to the world with the Olympics and Expo '92, a disturbing movement ascends to themes of extremism, racism, and violence. Three decades since her murder, Lucrecia's story stands as a journey to the roots of hatred. With previously unpublished footage, this moving narrative brings to light a crime that goes down in Spanish history as its first racist murder. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
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No. of seasons
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EspañolDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2024Season 14 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
Lucrecia's murder, a month after her immigration to Spain, begins a chronicle of a death foretold.
Español, Español [Audio descriptivo]Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español [CC], Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD
2.Three Bullets
Far-right fury or score-settling? The Civil Guard starts an internal investigation.
Español, Español [Audio descriptivo]Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español [CC], Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD
The accused give their accounts of events that occurred on the night of the crime.
Español, Español [Audio descriptivo]Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español [CC], Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD
4.The Sentence
The country see the four accused for the first time in a trial that will set a precedent.
Español, Español [Audio descriptivo]Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español [CC], Français, Greek, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaUHD