Go! Go! Loser Ranger!Go! Go! Loser Ranger!

Go! Go! Loser Ranger!

Tired of the Sunday Showdown charade, Fighter D finally steps up to make a change once and for all!

Description from Disney+ Bulgaria

What if the 13-year-long battle for survival that had been ongoing between the monsters and the Ranger Force was actually a farce all along? With their old hideout and bosses wiped out, the surviving Dusters make a secret agreement with the Ranger Force to engage in the weekly Sunday Showdown - one where they will always be defeated. Tired of this charade, Fighter D finally steps up to make a change once and for all! Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
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JapaneseDolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2024Season 1 4 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.We Are Justice! The Dragon Keepers!
Tired of the Sunday Showdown charade, Fighter D decides to defeat the Rangers for real this time.
JapaneseChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Greek, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
2.Go! Fighter D!
Fighter D reunites with Yumeko Suzukiri, who approaches him with an unexpected proposal.
JapaneseChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Greek, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
3.Our Evil Will Bloom, Someday.
Fighter D decides to infiltrate the Red Garrison with Yumeko, only to find himself in a tight spot.
JapaneseChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Greek, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
4.The Soldier With Love, Hibiki!
In pursuit of Fighter D, Aran Hekiru, a Blue Junior Third Rank, discovers his connection to Hibiki.
JapaneseChinese (Traditional), Dansk, Deutsch, English [CC], Español, Español (Latinoamericano), Français, Greek, Italiano, Japanese, Korean, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Português, Português (Brasil), Română, Slovenčina, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD