Their StoriesTheir Stories

Their Stories

Four women from different social classes but with a shared past have to live under the same roof.

Description from Disney+ Australia

Isabel learns that her husband used her as a front person in a corruption scheme and has to serve house arrest with her daughter at her former housekeeper Marta's home. Marta now owns a small take-out business. Her daughter Ana Jasmim helps at the company and dreams of studying fashion. Isabel's arrival with her daughter Ana Rosa at Marta's house creates tension in relationships and stirs up unresolved issues from the past. Forced coexistence makes mothers and daughters rethink their relationships and find new roles. Meanwhile, the house lives under the constant threat of a loan shark. Some flashing lights sequences or patterns may affect photosensitive viewers.
Release year
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No. of seasons
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Português (Brasil)Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2023Season 18 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Four Women
Isabel is forced to serve house arrest in the house of Marta, her former housekeeper.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
2.Fresh Start
Ana Rosa discloses information to Wander. Ana Jasmim receives news that could change her life.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
Wander changes the terms of the loan. Rosa attends an event in the hood, but Jasmim doesn't like it.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
4.Super Combo
Rosa tries to make amends with Jasmim, but Isabel's visit to the hospital could change everything.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
5.Ana and Ana
Ana Jasmim is about to change her life, but she has to deal with resistance from her mother.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
Isabel needs money to pay for Flávio's surgery. Wander takes extreme measures.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
7.Warm Water
Wander puts the four women in an extreme situation that will unite them forever.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD
A shared secret puts the lives of the four women at risk. The police begin to investigate.
Português (Brasil), Português (Brasil) [Descrição Do Áudio]English [CC], Español (Latinoamericano), Português (Brasil) [CC]UHD