Hideo Kojima: Connecting WorldsHideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds

Hideo Kojima: Connecting Worlds

Embark on a compelling behind-the-scenes journey, unveiling the visionary mind of Hideo Kojima.

Description from Disney+ Australia

Embark on a compelling behind-the-scenes journey as HIDEO KOJIMA: CONNECTING WORLDS unveils the visionary mind of Hideo Kojima, weaving the intricate creative threads that birthed a groundbreaking game and reshaped the landscape of interactive storytelling. This visually captivating documentary gives a rare insight into Hideo Kojima's creative process as he launches his own independent studio and creates the groundbreaking game DEATH STRANDING. Featuring contributions from visionary artists such as Guillermo Del Toro, Nicolas Winding Refn, Grimes, George Miller, Norman Reedus, Woodkid, Chvrches, and many others, this thoughtful film explores the power and potential of video games as an art form through the work of an influential talent revered by millions worldwide.
Release year
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0h 59min 3s


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EnglishDolby 2.0