When Frank Met CarlitosWhen Frank Met Carlitos

When Frank Met Carlitos

Sinatra and Gardel are said to have been locked together in a dressing room. Are the rumors true?

Description from Disney+ Australia

An anecdote that has been going around the Internet for several years tells of an alleged meeting between Carlos Gardel and Frank Sinatra. According to the story, in 1934 Gardel was performing on NBC in New York when he was introduced to a young admirer who was eager to meet the “great baritone from Buenos Aires”. As it turns out, he was none other than 19-year-old Frank Sinatra. Nobody is certain about what happened in that meeting (nor is anybody sure that it actually happened), but it served as a starting point for the development of a very attractive idea: the story of the night in which Gardel and Sinatra ended up locked in a dressing room together. The two began a friendship that, according to the rumors, would last forever.
Release year
Countries of origin
Mexico, Argentina
1h 12min 34s


106 votes
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Español (Latinoamericano)Dolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0
Español (Latinoamericano) [Audio descriptivo]Dolby 2.0