Roll it Back (Shorts)Roll it Back (Shorts)

Roll it Back (Shorts)

Join the cast of Just Roll With It as they recap all the crazy that happened in the latest episode!

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Get ready to roll it back! Join the cast of Just Roll With It, Blair, Owen, Rachel and Byron as they recap all the crazy that happened in the latest episode!
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EnglishDolby 5.1, Dolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2019Season 111 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.This Season On
Go behind the scenes with the Just Roll With It cast.
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
2.The Birthday War
Let's recap Rachel getting dunked and Byron's haircut!
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
3.Blair Gets Grounded
The cast discusses gross food and the 4D movie scene!
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
4.No Thank You For Your Service
The cast talks about the paint drum scene, Kaylin's foot sandwich...and Owen eating it?!?!?
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
5.Date Fright
The cast discusses "gourmet" dinners and goat yoga.
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
6.Karate Wars
The cast talks gross smoothies and epic karate moves!
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
7.The Elevator
The cast discusses getting trapped in an elevator.
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
8.And Gator Makes Five
The cast recaps "And Gator Makes Five."
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
9.The Tutor
The cast recaps highlights from "The Tutor."
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
10.The Big Sneak
The cast recaps "The Big Sneak."
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD
11.Owen and Blair in the Morning
The cast recaps "Owen and Blair in the Morning."
EnglishDansk, English [CC], Greek, Magyar, Norsk, Polski, Română, Suomi, Svenska, Türkçe, ČeštinaHD