Awesome AnimalsAwesome Animals

Awesome Animals

National Geographic Kids presents a natural history series just for kids.

Description from Disney+ Australia

National Geographic Kids presents a natural history series just for kids. Join 16-year-old narrator Jake Cuddemi as he presents some fascinating information about a variety of animal species.
Release year
Countries of origin
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No. of seasons
No. of episodes


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EnglishDolby 2.0

Seasons & episodes

2017Season 110 episodes
 Episode titleTrackCaptionsFormat
1.Dog Genius
National Geographic unlocks the truth about man’s best friend.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
2.Hog Genius
National Geographic joins scientists who are researching pigs in surprising new ways.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
3.Pigeon Genius
Join National Geographic as we explore the genius of pigeons!
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
4.Rat Genius
Rats have the most amazing abilities to memorize, communicate, jump and squeeze through tiny gaps.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
Can a group of insects morph into something that acts more like a single creature?
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
6.Kangaroo Kaos
The kangaroos are coming to town!
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
7.American Beaver
Second only to humans, beavers alter their environment more than any other organism on the planet.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
8.Moose Mayhem
Follow the lives of three baby moose growing up in the North American wilderness.
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
9.Valley Of The Wolves
Watch a battle between two wolf packs as they fight it out over who will rule Yellowstone!
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD
10.Super Pride
Africa: approximately 3,500 lions in 300 prides. One pride has 22 lions in all, called "superpride".
EnglishChinese (Simplified), English [CC], Korean, NederlandsHD